Fall captains reflect on the season
December 2, 2022
Fall sports kicked off in August, leading to months of practices, workouts, and team meetings to prepare for games.
“I was most excited to get to play soccer every day and get to do it with all my friends,” said Annie Mulcahy ’24, one of three captains for varsity girls soccer.
The fall season goes by quickly but holds some of the best memories of high school. Joining a fall sport is a great way to meet and connect with other students, as well as stay in shape and have fun.
“My favorite thing about the soccer season is the bond our team has and how close we are,” said Mulcahy.
This team bond is so close that even the bus rides to and from games are energetic and spirited. The blasting of music and the screaming voices singing notes out of tune gets everyone pumped up for games.
“My favorite memory so far was the bus rides to and from the games singing ‘Dancing Queen’ by Abba,” Mulcahy said.

Similarly, Molly Magnuson ’24, the junior captain of the girls swim and dive team, appreciated memories, advice, and newly learned skills this fall season.
“I learned the importance of organization, along with how to keep a positive mindset in the hardest of meets, and the value of good sportsmanship,” said Magnuson.
Every swimmer and diver can agree, just like the girls soccer team, that the close relationship between girls on the team is what made it worth it. The perseverance and strength it takes to make it through the season are instrumental to the team’s much earned success.
“The best part of being on the team is the team building, creating close relationships with all of the girls and seeing them at school every day,” said Magnuson. “Being able to celebrate my teammates’ victories and support them is so important to me.”

While the fall season might be behind them, these fall captains will cherish these relationships and memories all through the year.